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Calculating Mean, Median, and Mode of a Set of Numbers

Published on: by Khan Academy


This article explains how to calculate the mean, median, and mode of a set of numbers. Mean, also known as the average or arithmetic mean, is calculated by summing all numbers and dividing by the total count. Median is the middle number when the numbers are ordered, and in the case of an even number of values, it is the average of the two middle numbers. Mode is the number that appears most frequently in the data set.

Mean calculation: sum all numbers and divide by the count

The mean, median, and mode are important statistical measures used to describe a data set. The mean, also known as the average or arithmetic mean, is calculated by summing all the numbers in the data set and dividing by the count of numbers. In the example provided in the article, the mean of the numbers 23, 29, 20, 32, 23, 21, 33, and 25 is calculated to be 25.75.

The median is the middle number in a data set when the numbers are arranged in ascending order. In the example, the numbers are arranged from least to greatest (20, 21, 23, 23, 25, 29, 32, 33), and since there is an even number of values, the median is calculated as the average of the two middle numbers, which is 24.

The mode is the number that appears most frequently in a data set. In this example, all numbers appear once except for the number 23, which appears twice, making it the mode of the data set.

These measures of central tendency provide valuable insights into the distribution of data and help to summarize and understand the characteristics of a data set. They are fundamental concepts in statistics and are used in various fields to analyze and interpret data.

Median calculation: order numbers and find the middle number or average of two middle numbers

To calculate the median of a set of numbers, you first need to order them from least to greatest. In the given example, the numbers are 20, 21, 23, 23, 25, 29, 32, and 33. Since there are 8 numbers in total, there are two middle numbers - in this case, 23 and 25. To find the median, you need to average these two middle numbers, which gives you 24 as the median.

The median is a way of measuring the central tendency of a set of numbers, specifically finding the middle or average middle value. It is particularly useful when you have a set of numbers with a few extreme values that could skew the mean. The mode, on the other hand, is the number that appears most frequently in the data set. In the example provided, the mode is 23 as it appears twice, while the rest of the numbers only appear once.

Overall, calculating the median, mean, and mode of a set of numbers can provide valuable insights into the distribution and characteristics of the data. Each measure serves a different purpose in statistical analysis and can help in interpreting and understanding the dataset more effectively.

Mode calculation: identify the number that appears most frequently

Mode calculation: The mode is the number that appears most frequently in a given set of data. In the provided example, the numbers are 23, 29, 20, 32, 23, 21, 33, and 25. To calculate the mode, we look for the number that occurs the most times. In this case, the number 23 appears twice, more than any other number in the set. Therefore, the mode of this data set is 23.

The mode is a useful measure of central tendency when analyzing a set of data. Unlike the mean and median, which can be influenced by extreme values, the mode is simply the most common value and can provide valuable insights into the data.

In statistics, the mode can be particularly useful when dealing with categorical data or data with distinct peaks or clusters. It is important to note that a data set can have more than one mode if multiple numbers appear with the same frequency and more than any other number in the set.

Overall, calculating the mode allows us to identify the most frequently occurring number in a set of data, providing valuable information about the central tendency and distribution of the data.


  • The mean of the given set of numbers is 25.75, representing the average value
  • The median of the given set of numbers is 24, indicating the middle value
  • The mode of the given set of numbers is 23, which occurs twice in the data


Q: What is the mean and how is it calculated?

A: The mean, commonly known as the average, is calculated by summing all numbers in a set and dividing by the total count of numbers.

Q: How is the median determined?

A: The median is found by ordering the numbers and selecting the middle number. If there are an even number of values, the median is the average of the two middle numbers.

Q: What does the mode represent in a data set?

A: The mode represents the value that appears most frequently in the given set of numbers.

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